sharing life through, crafting, fashion, craziness, and fun

sharing life through, crafting, fashion, craziness, and fun

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

You're Going to Miss This!

This is the title to the new Trace Adkins song! I can relate to it SO much!! My whole life I've wanted life to speed by, not enjoying the moment or learning from the pain of the moment! This song touches me so deep and I cry every time I hear it! Life seems so hard to me right now. I have a 6 year old, 4 year old, and a 16 month old!! They run me ragged, they make mess after mess, they complain and cry and scream and I feel like all I want to do is run away! But I know I would miss it all so much and I know when they are grown I'll miss this time...just like I miss all the other times in my life that have flown by! I'm trying very hard to trust God right now and to have faith in Him alone! And to know that He will never leave me, but hold me close and walk through this journey of life! I'm forever thankful for that! Praise you Father!!

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